From design hacks to boosting bookings, learn the insider tips and proven strategies that have helped us transform properties into high-demand rentals.

In our efforts to provide world-class service, we're excited to announce the creation of online courses designed to assist you on your journey. These courses will offer valuable insights, practical tips, and expert advice to help you enhance your hosting skills, improve guest experiences, and maximize your rental property's potential. Whether you're a seasoned host or just starting out, our courses aim to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need for success. Stay tuned for more details and get ready to elevate your hosting game!

Course 1: Teachable

In this Teachable course, Ashley & Leah delve into what it means to really create a business with your Airbnb or Vacation rental.
You’ll find successful ways to renovate on a budget, parnter with local businesses and generate passive income on any rental property you have!

Any property, anywhere.

Transform your rental into a high-demand listing with a few simple yet strategic updates! Our online course will guide you through easy, cost-effective changes—like enhancing your design with curated decor, upgrading linens, and optimizing lighting—that will attract the right clientele. Learn how to create a polished, inviting space that stands out in a competitive market, without the need for a full renovation. Ready to increase your bookings and elevate your rental’s appeal?
Enroll today and start attracting the guests you’ve always wanted!

View our course on Teachable & learn from anywhere